Thursday 26 March 2020

Three Little Pigs by Aimee T

Long, long ago, there was a ginormous family of twenty-eight miniscule pigs. Imagine a home full of noise, full of chaos and full of laughter and love: that is our little pigs’ house. The youngest of these pigs always had the most attention, attention because if they didn’t, they would be screaming their heads off. Their names were Xyla, Yasmin and Zara. The three oldest pigs were now old enough to leave home and find food for themselves. Their names were Alex, Benjamin and Charlie and our magnificent story is going to be based quite significantly on them.

The day had come. Alex, Benjamin and Charlie had packed their bags and were leaving through the old and rusty farmhouse door. They all had their plans; they were each going to build their own little house. But how? I hear you say. Well, you will just have to wait and see.

However, little did they know, they were being watched and followed. The highly dangerous wolf, that every pig in the land knows about, was very hungry. Creeping, the wolf dived under bushes and leaves but never was seen.

Alex was the first to say his goodbyes. He was going to build a house of straw on Uncle Joe’s farm. A few miles north from that, Benjamin was certain that he would have a great life living in a house of twigs on Grandpa Fred’s farm. Then, it was Charlie left alone to find somewhere good to build upon. Wise yet unsure, Charlie set off towards town and luckily found a small plot of land near a supermarket. The more he looked for things he could build with, the more he fell for the idea of bricks.

By now, the three little pigs had built their own houses and settled down in them. Meanwhile, the wolf was planning a terrible idea in his head. He was going to blow all the houses down! So off he went, being sure to fill up with plenty of air. Alex was there. In the house of straw. And then, without warning, PUFF! The whole house was destroyed! Alex ran like the wind to his brother Benjamin’s house of twigs to make an urgent warning. But just as Alex set foot inside the building there was another great PUFF! Now poor Benjamin’s house was ruined! Then they ran like the wind to their other brother’s house (Charlie) made of bricks. And just as they set foot inside the building there was another great PUFF! But this time nothing happened. Nothing at all.
They were alive! THEY WERE ALIVE! Alex, Benjamin and Charlie gathered around for a massive group hug and pulled funny faces at the wolf through the window. That was a story that would go down through many generations.

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