Friday 12 June 2020

100WC - Week 37 from Freya M, Elliott & Zara

For Week 37 of the 100 Word Challenge, the children were asked to write and include "5 words that need to all go into the 100-word piece but they can be in any order".

They are:
gold,    viola,    searched,    lost,    ancient

“Did you hear about the Lost Gold Viola?
Did you hear about the people who searched the ancient tomb? 
Did you hear about the rare bird spotted?
Did you hear about the guy on the news?
Did you hear about the recent update in blockcraft?
Did you? Did you?
“Please be quiet”.
“Did you hear my question?
Did you hear my error when I said question but it should be questions? 
“Stop now”.
“Did you hear me? Did you? Because I have more questions.
Like did you hear about the snail who was fast?

It was another day on the island with no food, water or shelter. All the time I had been on this horrible island I was always digging and digging and digging. I knew I was not going to find anything on this island, (or was I). I spent another day on the island digging until I came across something hard in the ground. I kept digging and it looked like a lost ancient  chest when I got the chest out the whole I searched through and found a gold viola that was going to change my life horrible dull forever.

I walked past a field filled with the beautiful flower, the viola, as I searched for the lost gold. It had been missing for years and many explorers had tried to find the cave that it was said to have been kept in, but I had found a ancient book under the floorboard in my basement, which happened to have a map leading exactly to where it was kept, but I wasn’t the only one who wanted to find it, there was and had been millions of explorers who had ventured out to find the treasure, but none had succeeded.

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