Saturday, 12 February 2022

Book Week 2022 and Horror Stories

Our Book Week 2022 focused on Horror Stories. Below are some extracts from the stories we wrote and examples of the accompanying artwork created. 

The extracts below are from the stories written by Laycie, Zeren and Harriet.

Additionally, below are the Horror Story book covers painted by Isaac, Sahvana, Laycie & Bella W. 

Thursday, 10 February 2022

The Evolutionary Biology of the Peppered Moth

As part of our work in science, we have been learning about 'evolutionary biology'. An example of this can be found in the peppered moth. Below is Bella W's explanation of what she learned during our lessons. 

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Curling Comes to Crosshall

Our geography learning this term is focused on the North American country of Canada. We have so far learned about its location, territories/provinces, major cities and the location of the largest lakes and mountain ranges. 

As part of learning about 'everyday life and culture', we learned about some popular Canadian sports. In the past week, all four Year Six classes have had a go at playing a version of curling in the school hall. Our thanks to Hunts School Sports Partnership for the loan of the equipment. 

Friday, 4 February 2022

Zooming In

 We are currently taking part in the annual Microscopes4Schools (M4S) Competition.