Wednesday, 26 September 2018

6MR - Maya history

6MR are currently enjoying exploring Maya history and have recently learned about the Spanish Conquistadors.
They worked well in teams to imagine what it'd be like to explore the tropical rainforests in Central America and stumble upon ancient Maya ruins. They mind-mapped powerful adjectives to describe how they may have felt and then used these to create some exciting sentences.
Diary entries from the viewpoint of a Spanish Conquistador to be written soon!

Below are some images of the children hard at work:

Friday, 7 September 2018

Autumn Home Learning Information for Year Six

This coming year, the home learning expectations are as follows:

Each week, there will be  either a written or online (TTRs/Mathletics) task set. These will link to End of Key Stage Expectations for arithmetic or reasoning. (20 minutes)

Weekly, we will set a grammar and punctuation activity to consolidate our work in class.(20 minutes)

In school, we have a weekly focus on learning and practising  a spelling rule. A list of spellings to learn that follow the week's rule will be provided. (20 minutes)

Home learning will be set on a Thursday and will be due in the following Tuesday. Home learning will begin on Thursday 13th September. 
Anyone unable to access the internet at home can do so during a Friday or Monday lunchtime in school.

Class teachers will let their class know the day of the week spelling tests will take place. 

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Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Year Six Curriculum Jigsaw

So that parents can be informed about what their child will cover in the coming year, we are sharing a copy of the 'Curriculum Jigsaw':

A printable version of the jigsaw can be found here.