Saturday 31 August 2024

Year Six Blog - Paused

At the end of the 2023/24 school year, we are pausing the use of this blog space. For further information, please see our school's main website:

Monday 20 November 2023

September / October 2023

The Year Six children have had an extremely busy start to the term!

Below are some pictures illustrating what we’ve been up to.  

During English, we have been recapping numerous language features from prepositional phrases and subordinate clauses to cohesive devices within and between paragraphs. All these important language features will be helping the Year Six children plan and write a newspaper report about a crime that has taken place … the missing Maya masks. We have been using our detective skills to work out the culprit, but the mystery is still unsolved!

We have also been conquering fractions. The children have shown resilience and ambition during some challenging mathematical concepts, which has been wonderful to see.

On top of this, we have been learning about the circulatory system in science. The children have been using their knowledge of healthy eating to create posters. We will soon be using this information to design and carry out an investigating about exercise and our heart rates.

The children should be extremely proud of their achievements this term!

Tuesday 23 May 2023

May 2023

Year Six have been super busy the last few weeks with their learning and have been especially enthusiastic about our current history topic of WW2! 

Below are some pictures of what we've been up to: 

In art, the children have been studying and evaluating the work of landscape artists such as Monica Gewuz and then creating their own inspired pieces using mixed media. Josh and Sam L have done a fantastic job of creating two beautiful landscapes. 

Josh 6CH 
Sam, 6CH 

Our current WW2 history topic has had all children in Year Six captivated.  In one of our most recent lessons,  children have been learning about the Allies and Axies. The children used their geographical map skills to locate the countries on a map and identify their flags. 

We have also been learning about the important key dates linked to WW2, from when it started and ended and all the important events in between. The children were able to create an interactive human timeline outside to then be able to recall what they had learned a few days later in their own creative way. Olivia has created a fabulous double-page spread of what she could remember - Well done!  

Millie, 6CH 

In English,  we have been writing  Science Fiction stories and have been really impressed by how creative and engaging they have been! 

We can't wait to show you more of our fabulous work soon! 

Monday 14 November 2022

Autumn in Year Six so far

 Wow! What a busy term so far in Year Six! The children have achieved so much already and they are enjoying their learning. 

Below are some pictures illustrating what we've been up to.

We have made blood soup as part of our science unit of work. The children learnt what the four components of blood were and used food items to represent each component, making their blood soup!

The children, after being inspired by their Legoland trip, made their own Lego fairground rides. They incorporated motors into their models and coded it to provide a desired motion - great fun! 

As part of their history unit 'The Ancient Maya', the children have engaged in a range of activities to learn all about the ancient civilisation. This includes writing Maya numbers on the playground in chalk and creating a timeline of events through the ancient Maya's history. 

On top of this, children have been mastering the four operations of calculation in maths. We have loved seeing the fortnightly arithmetic test scores go up and up each week! We are soon going to be conquering Year Six fractions! 

In English, the children have been enthused with the learning. We have written morality tales and read them to Year Three children, written newspaper reports about stolen Maya masks in the school (naughty Mrs Hamilton-Peck!) and they are currently writing discussion texts about whether graffiti is art or vandalism. 

The children should be very proud of themselves! 

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Morality Tales

Last month, the children in Year Six had the opportunity to read their recently written morality tales to a Year Three child. They were so excited, and it was lovely to see the Year Six students proud of their final drafts. Well done to the Year Three children for their listening skills!